Our Story

Kata Muduga union was established on August 2016, by 20 primary Cooperatives with a total number of 19,046 small-scale farmers, of which 17,031 are Males & 2015 are Females. These farmers include 450,485 family members, and these family members have a total of 61,272 hectares of land covered by coffee. Currently, there are 48 member cooperatives and more than 40,000 small-scale coffee farmers working with Kata Muduga Union.

Location & Working Area

Located: in Oromia Regional State, Jimma Zone, Agaro town, with a distance of 45 km from Jimma and 397 km from Addis Ababa.

Working Area: The geographical area embodied in this town includes 5 rural districts of Jimma zone (Goma, Gera, Gumai, Setema, and Sigimo).

Climate: The altitude of the area ranges from 1800-2300mts asl; the Temperature ranges from 12-24 degree Celsius; and the Annual Rainfall of the area falls within 1700-2200mm.


The primary cooperatives under this union are well-known very high specialty coffee producers for the world markets. Some of these are: Duromina, Biftu Gudina, Nano Challa, Yukro, Hunda Oli, Kolla Bulcha, and other Gera & Agaro area cooperatives. The primary cooperatives included under this union are:

Nano Challa Primary Coop

Duromina Primary Coop

Birbirsa Primary Coop

Biftu Gudina Primary Coop

Kedamai Primary Coop

Yukro Primary Coop

Sedi Loya Primary Coop

Geta Bore Primary Coop

Kotaa Primary Coop

Billa Kumo Primary Coop

Kennisa Primary Coop

Kokolla Primary Coop

Yachi Kachise Primary Coop

Jawwi Primary Coop